Hey beautiful people! I'm so glad to be back with you all after several packed days of being at the Essence Festival of Culture in the one and only NOLA and then presenting a workshop on vicarious/secondary trauma at the Family Focused Treatment Conference in Denver, Colorado. Both events filled my cup in immeasurable ways, but I missed y'all! For real, for real!
Divine timing is really something though. Making the decision to not launch on the fourth of July, gave me precious time for certain Be Well Beautiful People revelations to be revealed during both events.
A line from one of Kendrick Lamar's songs is 'freedom ain't free' and in fact it isn't because freedom of the mind - which is the most important freedom we will ever possess - requires daily practice.
It's the only way to raise our consciousness fully enough to see the gifts of life, no matter the challenge we're faced with. This is the key, my sisters, to living fully in the now. It is also the key to joy and peace.
This is why Reiki has been my most used practice since I was trained by the world renowned spiritual teacher Pamela Miles six years ago. In fact these days, I'm using it nearly every single day. And on those rare occasions when I don't, I viscerally feel the difference.
When I practice Reiki I feel better. I look better. I rest better.
When I practice Reiki I have more compassion. I am more resilient. I am more generous.
When I practice Reiki I am more creative. I am more sensual. I am more me.
This is why it's no surprise that Reiki's effects are long and wide for people from all walks of life, including those who have been impacted by trauma.

So tune in now for Pamela's deeply insightful interview during the Trauma & Healing podcast series which features 12 episodes built around my book, Me Too: A Therapist's Journey to Heal, Find Liberation, & Joy and includes the practices that have been most central to my healing and evolution as a complex childhood trauma survivor. If you haven't gotten your copy of the book yet, please do so here.
And then check out our new body of work, Be Well Beautiful People, which is a labor of love designed to bring healing and liberation support to those who need it the most including BIPOC, LGBTQI+, low income folx, and those impacted by incarceration and foster care.
In the next few weeks we'll begin to transition so this will no longer be the Be Well Beautiful Woman e-news. Just like with our podcast, our ongoing outlets to communicate with our community and beyond only made sense to be under the helm of Be Well Beautiful People.
Of course we're still fully dedicated to providing sacred space for women to lead and live on their own terms at Be Well Beautiful Woman so feel free to connect with us there anytime for retreats, coaching, wellness workshops, and more.
In this new era, with an expanded vision to bring healing and liberation to every person on the planet, we look forward to continuing our journey with you, however God/Universe/Source/Creator is guiding you.
And if you ever need to chat about your unique healing and liberation needs, I'm ready. Reach out here to schedule a consultation any time.
Demarra West