I don't know about you but this year has been mired with rapid change for me. More than a year ago, I knew that change was on the horizon, but I had no idea it would be like this.
At the top of the year I started The 40 Day Prosperity Plan for the 4th time taken from John Randolph's Price's The Abundance Book. This time though I felt led to keep going and now nearly nine months in, I haven't stopped.
This is because God/Universe/Source/Creator knew that I would need to have the proper foundation for the rapid, and at times tumultuous change and deep grief that was on the horizon.
From the heartbreak of losing someone you love both in literal and figurative terms, to navigating the support my daughter so desperately needs and deserves this season, to choosing to close my successful consulting business after sixteen years, to launching a new not for profit (which I said I'd never do again and I'll be writing about next week :))...it has been the kind of change that has literally rocked my world.
The Prosperity Plan has helped me keep my eyes on abundance no matter what has shown up in my material world. It has helped carry me during times of deep sorrow. It has kept cash flow coming at the times I have needed it most. It has brought me to new people and opportunities and ideas in the midst of battling many storms.
When our worlds are rocked, the antidote for staying grounded and resilient is to increase how much time you're spending in practice.
This is why I do Reiki on myself nearly every day.
This is why I listen to high frequency music regularly.
This is why I choose to place my energy on the things and people that need my time and attention the most.
This is why I make sure I'm consuming food and beverages that bring me "healthy" pleasure.
This is why I go to the gym at least a few times a week.
This is why I spend time in nature daily - even if it's just on my patio.
I could go on and on, but I know you get the gist.
The bottom line is the way we see ourselves and the outer world is based on the cultivation of our inner world. The more we pour in, the more good we see, and the better we feel in the process.
Of course there will be "growing pains" in the midst of change and grief, but if you invest tenaciously in cultivating your wellbeing while these things are unfolding, it will prevent you from sitting in the pain of loss longer than you have to.
Part of your inner world cultivation can be listening to one or all twelve of our Trauma & Healing podcast series episodes based on my book, Me Too: A Therapist's Journey to Heal, Find Liberation, & Joy.
From abundance mindset with Actress Tina Lifford, to the freedom of forgiveness with Forgiveness Project Storyteller Madeline Black, to yoga as a vehicle for healing with world renowned restorative yoga therapist Dr. Gail Parker, we've got something for everyone.
To access every episode visit our Be Well Beautiful People podcast here and YouTube channel here.
And in the meantime, if you're struggling with something that has been difficult to work through you're not alone. Just click here to schedule a complimentary consultation so we can explore potentially working together.
With immense love & light,
Demarra West